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As a prospect or current customer of Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc., we take this opportunity to both thank you and share with you the importance in which we hold the privacy and confidentiality of your insurance and personal information.

Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc., as a member of the financial services industry, has been and continues to be subject to federal and state privacy laws regarding the collection and exchange of your insurance information.

Working with you, Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc. gathers the necessary information from you and other public and insurance sources to execute the insurance market search and placement for the insurance coverages your needs/risk exposures require. In doing so, Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc. exchanges such information only with other insurance related parties that are similarly obligated under state and federal privacy laws and have in place the appropriate procedures to keep all treatments and exchanges of your information within the requirements of these laws.

As we place your insurance with these carriers, both our agency and the carriers work together (as well as individually) to retain data as required to underwrite, issue and service your insurance policies, as well as conduct claims activities-should that be necessary on your behalf. You will receive from any insurance parties with which we place your coverage a copy of their privacy and complaint practices, as well.

We will not, under any circumstance exchange your information with any other disaffiliated third party.

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